6 out of 10 Enogastronomy tourists visit Destination Barcelona for leisure
21/09/2022 - 11:30h
The OTB presents the first monographic report Profile and Habits of Tourists in the Destination of Barcelona on Enogastronomy

The typical tourist profile of this type of tourist in Destination Barcelona is a 38.2-year-old person, resident in the rest of Europe (36.9%), who has traveled for leisure (63.8%), as a couple (48.4%), who have arrived at the Destination mostly by private vehicle and plane (41.3% and 40.1% respectively) and have stayed in a hotel (62.4%).
When planning the trip, enogastronomic tourists use the information provided from both, websites and friends and relatives. On the other hand, although the purchase of arrival transport and the accommodation is made mainly through the company's website (68.5% and 41.7% respectively) there are a significant number of tourists who book their accommodation through OTAs (online travel agencies) (31.0%), being Booking and Airbnb being the most used.
During the stay, which 4.8 days on average, the two main activities carried out in the municipality were, apart from tasting gastronomy, taking quiet and relaxing walks (86.0%) and going to the beach (61.7%).
The total expense during the stay per person and day in this tourist profile has been observed with a value of €67.02. Likewise, most of this expenditure is allocated to food and drink, followed, in that order, by shopping, culture and internal transport.
The average overall rating of the municipalities visited was 8.58 out of 10 and the best rated aspects were the character and friendliness of the people (8.57) and the climate (8.55).
For more information: Results report. Enogastronomy monographic on the profile and habits of tourists in Destination Barcelona 2021