In July 1 out of 5 tourists have gone on an excursion outside of the municipality where they are staying in destination Barcelona

10/08/2022 - 11:30h

The OTB presents the monthly report on the Profile and Habits of Tourists in Destination Barcelona

The typical tourist profile in Destination Barcelona remains quite similar to the previous months: a 36.3-year-old person, who has traveled for leisure (74.8%), as a couple (42.1%) and who has visited the destination municipality 5.4 times on average. Only 51.2% of visitors had never been to the municipality where they were staying, compared to 25.2% who had stayed there before 4 or more times in the last 10 years.

During the stay, which 5.5 days on average, tasting gastronomy (86.6%) and taking quiet and relaxing walks (86.1%) have been, once again, the most popular activities.

A decrease of 18.8% in the total expense during the stay per person per day at the Destination has been observed compared to the previous months, with a value of €60.99. Also, as historically, most of this expenditure is still spent on food and drink, followed, in that order, by culture, shopping and internal transport.

The average overall rating of the municipalities visited was 8.63 out of 10. The best rated aspects this month were the character and friendliness of the people (8.56), bars and restaurants (8.44) and the accommodation (8.32).


More information: Results report. Profile and habits of tourists in Destination Barcelona July 2022 (in Catalan)


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