Tourism activity latest data in Destination Barcelona
02/02/2021 - 14:30h
The Observatory of Tourism in Barcelona incorporates a new section on its website to monitor the latest data on the tourist activity in Destination Barcelona

- The new section includes the visualization and the analysis of the latest available data based on five tourist activity topics.
- The information is shown in three geographical areas: Barcelona city, Barcelona region, and Destination Barcelona.
- The data are monthly or quarterly updated, depending on their availability.
The Observatory of Tourism in Barcelona adds to the main menu of its website a new section to monitor the tourism activity, with the latest available data, including information based on 5 topics:
- Accommodation offer: it includes monthly data on open tourist accommodation.
- Tourism demand: it includes monthly data on tourists, overnight stays, the average length of stay and occupancy, in hotel establishments, rural dwellings, and campsites.
- Infrastructures: it includes monthly passengers’ data in both, Barcelona Port and Airport.
- Tourist profile: it includes monthly or daily data on tourists and visitors according to their origin.
- Job market: it includes quarterly data on tourism employees and companies.
Each of the pages is preceded by an analysis of the situation of the chosen topic and geographical area, which corresponds to the three usual levels of analysis of the Observatory: Barcelona city, Barcelona region, and Destination Barcelona.
For more information: Latest data on tourist activity in Destination Barcelona